Wednesday, May 14, 2014

NOVEMBER 13, 2013

The past few weeks, Babe, my scars have been hurting like heck. I guess it's the raw emotion of the date of the accident in October, leading up to this day, the worst day of my entire life, when you left the kids and me for Heaven so unexpectedly. The paradox of it all is that when I went to visit your memorial at CCI today, I had an entirely different picture of what it would be like. I imagined myself visiting the sign quietly and placing your Broncos balloons there for your CCI family to remember you, and breaking down, of course. Instead, we had a party! Six of your Captain, Lieutenant, and Sergeant friends showed up, and we reminisced about you and life. There was laughter and hooting and hollering going on, which is exactly what you would have wanted. You always told me you worked with "good people," and I am finding out the truth of that every day I have to go on without you. I miss you so stinkin' much, but I am also finding that your life and legacy and yours and my Savior are giving me the strength to go on. I will love you forever and always.